So before reading the list there are a few rules that I've decided to impose on myself.
1) Where it's a computer related challenge (ie complete Grand Theft Auto San Andreas to 100%) I'm starting the game brand new and where possible on the original format.
2) There are no time limits on any of these, just that I want to achieve them, some of them, ok a lot of them, will take a lot of money to complete and as you can imagine I don't have unlimited funds so have to budget and do them as I can.
3) No pictorial evidence = it didn't happen! I think this one speaks for itself.
4) Some of the items (ie watch the total films 500 films obviously can't be done in one I'll keep you updated as to the status of those ones on a semi regular basis (I might also throw in some film reviews because as people who know me one thing I can talk endlessly about is films!)
5) For the learning based ones (ie learn sign language) I would like to get an official accreditation.
6) No cheating, it would be stupid of me to set these challenges and then try to cheat wouldn't it? Kind of defeats the purpose!
7) If for any reason the task becomes I'm banned from entering the country that it's in or anything then I'll try to think of a suitable substitute. Or maybe I'll just force myself to watch 28 days featuring Sandra Bullock on loop for a me one of the worst films that I've ever seen and worse I paid to watch it at the cinema. Yes I'm hanging my head in shame at that one.
8) I may rope in some of my esteemed friends to help me out along the way if and when they aid me I will give them partial credit for helping me complete the tasks.