The first post so why am I doing this?

Published on 25 November 2024 at 22:28

So first entry...big deal right? Well let's get straight into it and the reason why I've started it....2024 has been a very how shall we say mixed year for me. I've faced challenges that I never thought I'd have to face, I've done things that again never thought I'd do but I've come out the other side, a little bit stronger, a lot wiser and as the old saying goes what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...and so that leads me onto this list of 100 things that I've wanted to do but for one reason or another I've put off or chickened out of. Some of the things on the list are stupid (ie adopt a penguin) some of them are time consuming and will take a long time (ie be able to speak a foreign language fluently), some of them are very personal (ie visit Giulino di Mezzegra which I'll explain why later on!)]But before we get to the list of 100 things I'll explain a little but about myself and what's gone up in my life up to this point!

My name, for those that don't know, is Bren and I'm an average 41 year old male at the time of writing, there's nothing extraordinary about me in any way, shape or form. I'm about as average as you can get. I currently reside in Boston, Lincolnshire and that is the British Boston not the inferior American one! I'm a manager at a Bowling alley and do enjoy my job but am in the process of trying to leave and start a new life somewhere else in the world....I'm open to suggestion if anyone has a good idea!

So this year I broke up with my wife, I'd been with her for over 15 years and the breakup was not mutual, it was her decision, but I'm sure you'll get more details, the more I get into this blog. The short version is this set me off a dark path and at one point I found myself a little worse for wear, standing on Grantham train station, thinking about jumping in front of a train and ending it all.

Two things stopped me, one was thinking of the hurt it would cause the people that cared about me in the world and the second was the fact I was in Grantham, to quote Star Wars "you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy". (Sorry you'll get used to my dark sense of humour the more you read from me. So after that little incident I got some help, I got therapy, which most people who know me would say was long overdue anyway, but with some help from the amazing Rosie, who I can't thank enough I've started to fix myself, I've started looking after myself a little better, I've reconnected with old friends, made some new ones, had a serious think about what I want to do with my life and although I'm still trying to figure that one out I did come up with this list of things I want to do, some are big challenges, some are tiny little things but all have a meaning to me, which I'll go into for each item on the list.

So that's a brief introduction...I'm not sure how often I'll update this blog, it might be each time I cross something off the list....a bit like My Name is Earl, it might turn into more a rambling take on what's going on in my life with the list as a secondary feature but who knows.



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