I'm a bit of history fan, always have loved looking at the past, loved a trip to a museum or a castle, I can spend hours reading about famous historical events or listening to podcasts, for all those who love British history I fully recommend the British History Podcast, it covers our beautiful little islands history from the very beginning to at the time of writing this, the Norman conquest.
So with that in mind some people might find it strange that someone into history and having lived in Boston for the majority of my life that I've never visited the memorial that commemorates the biggest thing that we're known
for on a world wide historical scale. I am of course talking about the Pilgrim Fathers Memorial. Now for those of you who don't know the Pilgrim Fathers were among the first of those people who sailed to the new world in 1607. They were leaving due to them wanting religious freedom. The attempt from Boston was unsuccessful however and it was only later ones from Plymouth that got them over the Atlantic ocean into what we now call America....though given that Donald Trump is soon becoming president again it might change it's name to Trumpland or something equally stupid!
Everything around the town is a small nod to this event and the ship that they sailed on the Mayflower. The local hospital is known as Pilgrim, the football team are The Pilgrims, you can't escape it really, so why did it take me so long to venture out this way? I'm not sure I've made several vague notions of going there in the past but never followed through for a variety of reasons, it was raining, I'm to comfortable on the sofa watching the entire series of Doctor Who for the 9242th time. So what changed this time?
Well it was a beautiful morning, so the weather wasn't an issue. I had the day off work so that wasn't an issue. I fancied a walk instead of the gym so that was a bonus and a new urge to do these things I've been putting off. It's like something has awoken inside of me wanting to do these challenges and this one particularly while I'm still a Boston local. Nearly everyone I spoke to about this couldn't believe I hadn't been there already and that it was a rite of passage for a Bostonian to go up there and show a little respect to those brave travellers.
So as I said I fancied a walk and it's precisely 3.2 miles from my front door to the memorial according to google maps, taking in a very nice walk along the river Haven, the scenery was beautiful and reminded me that Boston does have it's nice parts. I know in the past I've been quite blunt about how I think the town has gone downhill and I stand by that, but these bits where the natural beauty of the town and surrounding areas come through make up for it just a little bit. Off I went testing out my new walking boots as I did.....a prelude to one of my other challenges walking along Hadrian's wall which I hope to do this coming summer! A couple of brief history podcasts about The Kremlin and Buckingham Palace and as I said a fantastic riverside walk and I was there and as it was 9.30 on a Monday during term time I was all on my lonesome, but I pulled up wikipedia read the article about the fathers and found a new deep level of respect for them, travelling into the unknown, going to a new world, creating a new life for themselves, something I can relate to a little at the minute.
I often forget how close Boston is the coast, we're only about 4 1/2 miles away from being in the open sea, I did think about carrying on and heading further down the path only stopping after consulting google and realised the footpath goes inland, so after a few minutes rest and well earnt drink of Iron Bru, I paid one last nod to the memorial and headed back home.
So there we have it challenge 5 completed, a nice simple one but a reminder of where I come from, I'm proud of being from Boston, people who knew me during my uni days would say I was fiercely proud and would verbally attack anyone who dare slander it's good name. I have mellowed out since and would possibly just give people a disapproving look. Yes to put it crudely it's a shithole......but it's my shithole and I will always call it home.

Now onto the penguin.......challenge four was nearly complete but let me introduce you all to Gazza officially. The adoption pack came through and I can now say I'm the official adopted owner, is it weird if I say father of this fantastic specimen of all things that are penguiny!
He's currently down in the Falkland Island as part of a conservation effort and it's made me feel so good knowing I'm doing something that will benefit the earth in general!
So ladies and gentlemen expect a few updates about Gazza as the year goes on!
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