Free to be whatever I choose....

Published on 28 January 2025 at 16:17

And I'll sing the blues if I like..  Yes I know  the last blog entry was all about music and I've started this one off with lyrics but forgive me, but the fact is that this is a tune and a half and deserves to be listened to at every given opportunity.


So what am I posting it? Well it kind of feels very apt for me at the minute, I was flicking through a few job sites and this came on the random DJ function on spotify, closely followed by the PF project and the legendary Choose Life dance anthem based on the equally legendary film Trainspotting.


Yes I know my spotify algorithm is slightly on the strange side, but I've always said I have a rather eclectic mix of music tastes. But there is a theme there of choosing for yourself. OK so I won't be doing the heroin part like Renton and his Scottish brethren but the ethos is there. 


But back to the original point both of these songs feel very apt, after all I'm at a crossroads in my life, still fairly young, single and ready to explore what the world has to offer. I was approached by a firm to become the bar manager at there holiday set up in Scilly Islands a few weeks ago, actually it was when I was half way through a busy shift during the Christmas holidays and they were impressed and offered me a job on the spot, I turned it down a little due to the salary and mostly because as I've said in a previous post I think my time in the hospitality industry is coming to an end.


I need a change, and I think maybe having a 9-5 job that allows me to have weekends free sounds very appealing right now. That way I can build a life away from work, something which has been made very visible to me with these trips away that I've been enjoying. Talking of friends the next steps on the reconnection tour are coming thick and fast so watch this space


I know this leads to many questions, what am I going to do , where am I going to live, I'm afraid at this moment in time I don't really have any answers. I'm looking for some inspiration, or a massive lottery win so then I could just spend my time travelling and having new experiences. Maybe I'd open up my own venue and do none of the work like some of the bosses I've had in the past, mentioning no names. 


So why put this into a post, I'm letting you all know it's ok if you don't know what you're doing in life. If you don't know what will happen. Everything happens for a reason and you'll get there in the end. Your free to choose your path, free to choose that fucking big television if you want. Just maybe stay away from the heroin. Remember you have friends and family that will support you no matter what and eventually you might just get it right.

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