Saturday February 1st 2025, approximately 13.05pm. Location The Parcel Yard, Kings Cross Station.
Something happened that was over 20 years in the making....The Hibbert Street Posse reunited! Well three quarters of us did anyway, get well soon Dave!
Now for those that don't know the posse met in the amazing Braniganns back in 2001, partly after indulging into some frankly ludicrous drinking games, which to this day I'll say both me and Dave were robbed, and partly in the aftermath of said drinking games. We didn't manage to get rid of each other for the next three years.

Through relationships, breakups, narcoleptics, dwarves, angry Hungarians and drunken escapades we were side by side in the trenches. Spending hours playing horse on Tony Hawkes 2, leaning out of a third story window trying to spit on a concrete post below (disgusting yes but we were bored) and coming up with ingenious ways to annoy each other, which I may document in a future post.
We formed a bond that although given the time and distance between us will always be there, however much we try to deny it. So why did it take so long for us to get together? Distance was the main thing, after university we drifted apart, life got in the way and we lost contact, but with me going through the reconnection tour, I though who knows me best and knows my history before my ex wife. That would be these three reprobates
Meeting up and catching up it soon felt as though no time at all had lapsed and the piss taking was in full force within about 30 seconds of the three of us being together. The drinks were flowing, memories being revisited, including infamous time we moved Kev's entire room out into the hallway and he came home late one night and slept in the hallway. Or the time Scott got caught having his way with a young lady in the staff room of The Park.
A quick walk up the road and we found ourselves heading into O'Neils, it was here we started talking about what people we used to know were up to, this led onto the idea of facetiming some people, we started with Anna the Greek, who actually answered us and we found out that the baby of Flat G has a daughter and living back in her homeland. This girl put up with so much from us in flat G, I'm sure at times she felt like killing us and making us all into kebabs, but we loved her and I hope she enjoyed her time in England with us. I have to also say at this point that we forgot about a little thing called international time zones and as it was about 3.30pm in the UK it was about 4.30am in New Zealand, so sorry Becky. I think it's probably for the best that Abs and Helen didn't pick up if I'm being honest.
Moving onto The Rocket and it was here that we started to get deep philosophical phase of proceedings, like where are we going to eat, a quick trip to Nando's and a stop off for a very nice old fashioned at the amazingly named German Gymnasium and we decided to head into Covent Garden. This was our big mistake, in the Nag's Head we proceeded to make some new friends, Ellie and Claire, who persuaded us to hit the shots. Tequlia Rose to be specific. Seven shots later and several more rounds and it was obvious that most of our party was well on the way to being classified as gazeebo. So here I have to question the barstaff at the place. We were told to leave because we were being to rowdy, now as someone who has worked in the hospitality industry for over 20 years I think they were out of order. Scott accidently knocked an empty glass over and straight away the barman was chucking us out for being in his words 'out of control'. I have asked people to leave on many occasions and never for no good reason. Well maybe once when a guy was annoying me back when I was in charge of The Prospect. We however took it with a level of grace I don't think the decision deserved and headed over the road to the next pub.
This is where Scott, the more hardcore drinker of the three of us left us, he announced that he was done and that he had to go home, the next day messaging us to ask how he got back to Victoria Station, and then Brighton on the train and also about the random bruises he got on his lower back. I didn't have the answers and was just glad he made it back in one piece. The rest of us got into the spirit of things and if you look on my TikTiok page there is even evidence of me singing out loud in public.......and no I didn't shatter any windows. The singer was brilliant, I felt a bit sorry for him having to listen to us murder his setlist alongside him.
Kev and me got to about 10.30pm and decided enough was enough said our goodbyes to the girls and made our way back to Luton, we had one of those deep conversations like we used to on the slow train back, despite being interrupted by someone who was trying to convince everyone she was Lana Del Ray. As the train pulled into Luton Parkway, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. It was like things had never changed between the three of us. Scott was still a loud mouth, Kevin still the one who still sensible until he hit that limit then you couldn't get him off the dance floor (I'm just glad Ash wasn't around for him to dance with) and me in some ways I was still the same, a cocky little prick who was always up for some fun, but in other ways I'd changed. I knew my limits I'd alternated with a few soft drinks throughout the day, the old me would have been in a worse state than Scott. I'm a lot stronger than I was back then, I didn't know what I was capable of, and although I'm still learning I'm feeling more fulfilled than I was back then. I'm learning new skills, I'm pushing myself more than I ever have done, doing things that take me well out of my comfort zone, but am enjoying them none the less.
So will it be another 20 years before we meet again? I hope not, but who knows what the future holds! That's what makes it fun isn't it?
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