I've always loved reading, Kev, Dave and Scott will tell you of the time I read a whole book in the bath in one go. The fantastic Are you experienced by William Sutcliffe. It wasn't a long book, only 180 pages or so but apparently taking a two and half hour long bath was a little on the odd side.
I have no particular favourite genre and will quite happily read pretty much anything from fantasy to comedy to autobiographies and everything in between. I also love going to book shops, my favourite one is Foyles on Charing Cross Road but I love going to second hand book shops as well picking up bargains along the way.
This challenge was quite a simple one, go and buy a book from The Word on The Water bookshop. I'd seen a short documentary whilst going down a YouTube rabbit hole one night and was captivated by the story of this little shop set on a barge that was situated a stones throw from King's Cross Station.
I had a couple of hours to kill before meeting James, so I trundled off to locate the shop and purchase something, having it in the back of my mind to get one of the list of 12 classic British Books I must read, imagine my surprise when on the first shelf I looked at had a copy of The Hobbit on it. I had a look around and saw so many titles that I wanted to read, I could have spent a small fortune in the little boat.
The setting was brilliant, shelves packed full of books, I would have loved to of closed the door, curled up on a comfy armchair and just read to my little hearts content, alas I had places to be so made my purchase and wondered off back to my hotel to read a few chapters before my meeting.
There we have it, one of the simple ones on my list but definitely a place I'll go back to and buy more .....after all there are eleven more books on that list!

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