15 years and counting

Published on 16 February 2025 at 22:34

15 years. 5479 days. It's a long time isn't it? Well that's what milestone I hit this weekend at The Bowl. It's by far the longest time I've been employed by a company and for the vast majority of my time here I've enjoyed it.

Have there been times when I've thought about throwing my keys at Fiona and just walking out, yes, mostly when he shall not be named had his thankfully short spell in charge but as I said mostly it's been a great ride. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was coming in for my shift on a snowy night, being introduced to Nick, Dean and Chris and cracking on. It took a while for some of the regulars to get used this cheeky chap, always quick with a comeback to their moans. Now a lot of people have heard of my plans to leave in the near future and have told me the place won't be the same without me, which I'm going to take as a huge complement. I've always given my all to my job and it's nice to know that people have appreciated my efforts to give them a good experience here.



I've worked with some amazing people and I'm going to break the habit of a lifetime and be nice to my co-manager Nick. He's been here longer than me and I know he'll always have my back. When I was going through my break up and some would say break down. He was always there for me, picking up the slack that I couldn't do at the time.  He's not the only one though, Fiona, Kevin, Jim, Malc, Jenny and so many more have helped me along the way.


There have been some highlights, I'm thinking of thing like when we climbed the equivalent of Mount Everest on our climbing walls and made a couple of thousand for charity. Or maybe the night the tidal surge hit Boston and we prepared to been an evacuation site for any people, well until Nelson Mandela died and then the world forgot about us again! Lowlights, well Covid and the lockdown, where bowling alleys were put into a separate category as strip clubs and skating rinks and were the last ones allowed to be reopen, it made no sense to me then and it still doesn't. I could go on, there's my semi-regular posts on Facebook Thing's you'll only hear in Boston Bowl which are all 100% genuine I hasten to add. 


The question has been asked why am I determined to leave? It's not the job I don't like anymore, it's the place where it is. Boston just feels like it's dragging me down and a new start somewhere is what I need. I've had a couple of job offers that have appealed to me on some level but for other reasons I have turned down. I know my time is coming to an end but I'm going to miss this old place. It's seen me at my best and at my worst and everything in between. 

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